31 January 2014

Vivekananda Image Quotes - Archive 03

This is an archive of Swami Vivekananda's Image Quote Of The Day. The most recent quotes may be seen in that page.

23 January 2014

Swamiji harmonized East and West, religion and science, past and present. And that is why he is great. Our countrymen have gained unprecedented self-respect, self-confidence and self-assertion from his teachings.

22 January 2014

This world is all a delusion, do not let it fool you again.

21 January 2014

भारत में दो बड़ी बुरी बाते हैं। स्त्रियों का तिरस्कार और गरीबो को जाती-भेद द्वारा पीसना।

20 January 2014

You must know that religion is not in doctrines. Religion lies in being and becoming, in realisation.

19 January 2014

That religion which is only a means to worldly well-being is not religion, whatever else it may be.

18 January 2014

This universe is a dream, pure and simple. Why bother myself about a dream?

17 January 2014

We seem to be walking in dreams. Dreams are all right in a dream-mind; but as soon as you want to grasp one of them, it is gone.

16 January 2014

Where the delusion of bondage and freedom ceases, there the Atman is.

15 January 2014

All pleasures of the senses or even of the mind are evanescent but within ourselves is the one true unrelated pleasure, dependent upon nothing.

14 January 2014

As soon as we react, we become slaves. A man blames me, and I immediately react in the form of anger. A little vibration which he created made me a slave.

13 January 2014

The Vedanta recognises no sin, it only recognises error. And the greatest error, says the Vedanta, is to say that you are weak, that you are a sinner, a miserable creature, and that you have no power and you cannot do this and that.

12 January 2014 (iv)

Swami Vivekananda Janma Jayanti (birth anniversary) special

The Lord is very merciful to him whom He sees struggling heart and soul for Realisation. But remain idle, without any struggle, and you will see that His grace will never come.

12 January 2014 (iii)

Swami Vivekananda Janma Jayanti (birth anniversary) special

The goldness of gold, the silverness of silver, the manhood of man, the womanhood of woman, the reality of everything is the Lord — and that this Lord we are trying to realise from time without beginning in the objective, and in the attempt throwing up such queer creatures of our fancy as man, woman, child, body, mind, the earth, sun, moon, stars, the world, love, hate, property, wealth, etc.; also ghosts, devils, angels and gods, God etc.

12 January 2014 (ii)

Swami Vivekananda Janma Jayanti (birth anniversary) special
Strength is life, weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal. Weakness is constant strain and misery; weakness is death.

12 January 2014 (i)

Swami Vivekananda Janma Jayanti (birth anniversary) special

I want a band of young Bengal -- who alone are the hope of this country. My hope of the future lies in the youths of character -- intelligent, renouncing all for the service of others, and obedient -- who can sacrifice their lives in working out my ideas and thereby do good to themselves and the country at large.

11 January 2014

10 January 2014

If anybody attacks me, simply ignore his existence. . . .

9 January 2014

This world is too full of blustering talk. We want a little more earnest work, and less talk.

8 January 2014

7 January 2014

তিনি সকলেরই হৃদয়ে বিরাজ করিতেছেন। যদি দর্পণের উপর ধূলি ও ময়লা থাকে, তবে তাহাতে আমরা আমাদের চেহারা দেখিতে পাই না। আমাদের হৃদয় দর্পণেও এইরূপ অজ্ঞান ও পাপের ময়লা রহিয়াছে।

6 January 2014

Each man is perfect by his nature; prophets have manifested this perfection, but it is potential in us.


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This page was last updated on: 31 January 2014, 9:44 pm IST (UTC+5:30 hours)
Number of revisions in this page: 1

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